Cyber Attack –

Cyber Attack

Virus Aid

Cyber Attack


SKU: 10112 Categories: ,


The Cyber Attack IV bag is the ideal answer for anyone looking to boost their immune system and combat airborne illnesses. This potent infusion contains a carefully chosen combination of immune-boosting components that help to offer your body the assistance it needs to fight off illnesses and recover rapidly. With its potent blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential elements, this infusion boosts your immune system, allowing you to fight infections and recover faster from illnesses.

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Why Cyber Attack IV Bag is the Ultimate Virus Solution

  • Thiamine (B1) 300mg, Niacin (B3) 300mg, Riboflavin (B2) 6mg, Pantothenic Acid (B5) 6mg, Pyridoxine (B6) 6mg – This B- complex blend will help boost immune system and fight invaders in your body.
  • B12 4mg – This vitamin will help enhance the immune function in order to fight viruses.
  • Copper 0.2mg – Will aid in boosting immune function.
  • Glutathione 1,000mg – Supports T cells and natural killer cells in order to attack foreign invaders.
  • Magnesium 300mg – Improves the ability to destroy germs in the body and promotes energy.
  • Manganese 20mcg – helps maintain proper immune system operations.
  • Toradol 15mg – This NSAID will help reduce inflammation and relieve aches caused by a virus.
  • Vitamin C 25,000mg – This will provide your immune system with an enormous boost to fight off infection.
  • Vitamin D3 100, 000 IU – This essential vitamin will boost your immune system in your body the strength to fight.
  • Zinc 13.5mg – Not only does zinc help you fight an infection but it also strengthens your immune system to reduce recontamination.


  • Helps regulate immune function and can reduce inflammation associated with flu-like symptoms.
  • Helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which can improve immune function and reduce the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms.
  • Helps reduce pain and inflammation associated with flu-like symptoms.
  • Helps support immune function and can reduce the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms.
  • Supports immune function and aids in the healthy development of red blood cells, which can help fight off infections.
  • Provides essential nutrients that support immune function and can improve energy levels during illness.
  • Helps support immune function and can improve energy levels during illness.
  • Helps support immune function and can reduce the severity and duration of flu-like symptoms.
    Vitamin C