Cyber Buzz –

Cyber Buzz

Hangover Aid

Cyber Buzz


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The Cyber Buzz IV bag is the ideal hangover remedy for anyone who has had a little too much to drink and is suffering the next day. This potent infusion, which is high in key micronutrients and electrolytes, helps to replace your body’s vital resources and assist you in recovering swiftly and pleasantly. The Cyber Buzz IV bag might aid if you’re suffering from headaches, nausea, or other hangover symptoms. This infusion aims to restore your body’s natural balance and help you feel like yourself again with its carefully crafted combination of vitamins, minerals, and other vital components.Thus, if you’ve overindulged and are suffering from the aftereffects of a night of partying, the Cyber Buzz IV bag is the ideal answer. Trust us to assist you in recovering swiftly and comfortably so that you may resume your daily routine with renewed energy and vigor.

Why Cyber Buzz IV Bag is the Ultimate Hangover Cure

  • Thiamine (B1) 200mg, Niacin (B3) 200mg, Riboflavin (B2) 4mg, Pantothenic Acid (B5) 4mg, Pyridoxine (B6) 4mg – Our bodies will naturally want to replace micronutrients after heavy alcohol intake. This B-complex will aid in reducing pains caused by a hangover and help your body restore.
  • B-12 2mg – This will provide energy, aid in recovery, improve your wellbeing and even reduce anxiety.
  • Glutathione 200mg – Helps the liver metabolize and eliminate alcohol from the body.
  • Toradol 15mg – This NSIAD will help minimize headaches and body aches.
  • Magnesium 600mg – Will help in relieving headaches caused by a hangover.
  • Vitamin C 1,000mg – This vitamin also serves as an antioxidant and will help clean out alcohol form the body.
  • Ondanestron 4mg – Reduces nausea associated with a hangover.


  • Can help relieve hangover symptoms such as headaches, muscle cramps, and fatigue.
  • Helps reduce inflammation and can alleviate hangover symptoms such as headaches and nausea.
    Vitamin C
  • Helps improve energy levels and reduce the symptoms of fatigue and brain fog associated with hangovers.
  • Helps replenish nutrients lost during alcohol consumption and can improve energy levels and reduce hangover symptoms.
  • Helps reduce nausea and vomiting associated with hangovers.
    Anti-nausea medication
  • Reduces pain and inflammation, which can alleviate hangover headaches.
  • Helps detoxify the liver and reduce oxidative stress caused by alcohol consumption.