Cyber Glitch –

Cyber Glitch

Sleep Aid

Cyber Glitch


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The Cyber Glitch IV bag is the ideal answer for anyone who feels glitchy and disconnected as a result of a lack of sleep. Whether you work the night shift, travel regularly, or simply struggle to get a decent night’s sleep, this potent infusion is intended to get you back online and feeling like yourself. The Cyber Glitch IV bag, which contains a carefully selected combination of critical vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, gives your body the assistance it needs to recover from sleep deprivation and restore its normal cycles. This infusion is ideal for anyone who has been feeling “off” lately, since it regulates your circadian cycle while also increasing your energy levels and cognitive performance. Thus, if you’re looking to reconnect with yourself and get back on track after a period of sleep deprivation or jet lag, the Cyber Glitch IV bag is an excellent choice. Let us assist you in feeling your best and returning to your daily schedule with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

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Why Cyber Glitch IV Bag

  • Thiamine (B1) 200mg/ Niacin (B3) 200mg /Riboflavin (B2)4mg /Pantothenic Acid (B5) 4mg /Pyridoxine (B6) 4mg – This b-complex blend will provide you a boost of energy and also aid in reseting your circadian rhythm.
  • B-12 2mg – Not only will this provide you with energy but it will help you recover from fatigue and brain fog associated with jet lag.
  • Glutathione 400mg – Oxidative stress levels may rise from traveling, therefore, this powerful antioxidant will decrease levels of stress caused by jet lag.
  • Taurine 50mg – Has proven to improve sleep but also enhancing mitochondrial function thus providing you energy.
  • Toradol 15mg – This Nonsteroidal non-inflammatory drug (NSAID) will help reduce inflammation and combat headaches induced from a long flight and sleep deprivation.
  • Vitamin C 1,000mg – This vitamin will reduce oxidative stress in your body, reset your sleeping cycle, and enhance sleep duration.


  • Helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which can interfere with sleep quality.
  • Reduces stress hormones and may improve sleep quality and duration.
    Vitamin C
  • Supports healthy sleep patterns by regulating melatonin production and reducing insomnia symptoms.
  • Helps regulate the nervous system and improve energy levels for better sleep quality.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation, which can interfere with sleep and cause discomfort.
  • Promotes relaxation and can help calm the nervous system for better sleep.